Friday, July 9, 2010

At Least We're Not Detroit...

TGIF y'all!  What a week it's been, no!?

Last night, we here in Ohio were on pins and needles waiting to hear if LeBron James was going to stay with Cleveland or go to New York, Chicago or Miami.  Well, if you happened to turn on the news or go to Yahoo today, you'll see that LeBron is infact going to Miami.  The first word out of my mouth, as out of the mouths of other Ohioans was "NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo!" (ok, when did I start caring about basketball?  it's not like it's Ohio State football... THAT I care about!)

But, let's be honest here!  Would YOU rather go to :


Exhibit A:  Cleveland

Exhibit B:  Miami

I gotta tell ya, I know which one I would pick (especially from October through March)!!
Don't get me wrong, I love Cleveland.  I have lots and lots of family there, my dad is from there, and many friends are from there.  But if I had the choice, I would pick Miami, too!

That said, I would laugh REALLY hard if somehow Cleveland played Miami in the National Championship next year.  And won.  Here's rooting for the underdog!

Make it a great day, everyone!  TGIF!

1 comment:

Averie @ Averie Cooks said...

what great pics! enjoy your weekend!