Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Eatin' out of the Pantry- Part 1

Good evening, everybody!  Whenever I have to buy new clothes, new appliances, new anything... I try and save in other places.  And it's not because we NEED to save in other places, it's just a habit.

So anyway, I told Brenton this week "let's try to eat out of the pantry for the entire week!" 

Here we go!

Our breakfasts and lunches aren't that exciting, so I'm going to stick to dinners.

Dinner 1-  Raw Pasta with Tomato Sauce

Look how yummy!  I spiralized half of a yellow squash and topped it with a sauce made of cherry tomatoes blended with olive oil and garlic.  SO good.  SO SO good!!!  This is a great lunch, and in fact, I think I'm going to make this again tomorrow.  :)

1 comment:

rachelfulks said...

Definitely trying this!! We have lots of squash to use up!