Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Good Tuesday morning to you all!  Hope you had a nice weekend and didn't have a case of the Mondays! 

I don't have a whole lot of time, so here are the highlights.  More pictures, less chitter chatter, right?!

Breakfast Sunday-

Barbara's Cereal with Pineapple and Almond Milk.  I don't know why I hadn't been putting this yummy fruit on my cereal earlier!!!!  YUM.

I then went to Trader Joe's,

And picked up some B vitamins since we're getting away from most all animal products now.

They were kind of big, so I took it with a piece of Sprouted Bread and Peanut Butter.

I exercised on our bike with hand weights and burned 200 calories in 30 min!  NOT TOO SHABBY!!

Once lunch time rolled around, I ate a leftover Veggie Burger with Avo, Tomatoes, and Salsa on top...mmmm...  and some Cherries. 

I cleaned the house a bit, did some laundry, and a little bit of work, and snacked on a TJ's Whole Wheat Tortilla with PB and J.

I was really hungry that day- not sure why.  Oh yeah... maybe it's because I'm on a diet....

For dinner, I made Brenton's FAVORITE.  Tempeh Chili.

Oh yes yes- that's yummy stuff right there.  And what better dessert than a big old date?!?!?

Tasted like honey-  the best!!  Weigh in of the day-  151.6  (woot woot!)

Monday rolled around, and I made another Breakfast Cookie Beast!

And of course, my cocktail of pills-

People often ask me what I take everyday, so there it is!  Vitamin D, Multi-Vitamin, Calcium, and B Complex.  They're all about actual size...  pretty big.  Good thing I'm a pill champ!!

I packed up lunch, ready to go to work-  An Orange, Tomatoes and Celery, Hummus, TJ's Tortilla with Peanut Butter, and an Oatie.

I decided to take some time and go eat my lunch at the Airport and watch planes land.

Too much fun.  I'm obviously ready for vacation LOL.

For dinner, I made Spinach and Pea Pasta.  Yeah, it's pretty fabulous. 

And finished the day off with Pineapple and a Date.

Dates are my new favorite dessert.  SOOO NUMMY!!!

Morning weigh in:  151.4! 

I wasn't going to tell you until tomorrow what today's (Tuesday) weigh in was, but heck- why not?!  151 on the button!  Sloooooowly but suuuuurely, creeping down!  Thank you for all of your kind words and support.  You ROCK!!!  Thanks for keeping me motivated!!!

1 comment:

Hayley @ Breath of Fire said...

Dates are the BEST. My favorite is spreading a little bit of almond or butter on them!