Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's Wednesday!!

Hi bloggies! It's Wednesday! I had a pretty good day overall... nothing too new or exciting, which is sometimes a good thing. I have had this nagging pain behind my right eye when I move it around... like an eye strain type of thing. Hopefully that goes away by tomorrow because I am PRESENTING AT A CONFERENCE! It's for ACT (you know, the test), and I'm helping present about college campus visits, and how all members of enrollment management are important. Hopefully all goes well!! I'll let you know...

This morning, I started the day off right with a YUMMY power shake!!

It consisted of 3 Organic Strawberries, 1/2 Banana, 3 Orange Segments, 1/8 C Frozen Organic Raspberries, 5 Organic Baby Carrots, Heaping Handful of Organic Spinach, 1/2 Scoop Protein Powder, 2 T Bob's Red Mill Flaxseed Meal, 3 Ice Cubes and a little bit of Water. SUPER YUMMY!!!

Looks a little yucky, but it was GREAT!

Then I packed my lunch and snack for work--

Snack was String Cheese, 1/4 Avocado, Organic Cucumber Slices and Organic Cherry Tomatoes. The tomatoes were GREAT!!!

A few hours later, I had my lunch--

Left over Whole Wheat Pasta with Organic Veggies and TJ's Tomato Sauce, and Low Fat Organic Yogurt (plain) with Frozen Organic Blueberries.

This kept me full until I got home from work for the day- which is a pretty big feat!! I did have a small snack while making dinner--

Dried Pineapple 'Leathers' and Organic Strawberries.

After turning on 'The Golden Girls' (which are still on by the way! Ha!), I made 'Low Carb Fajitas'. They were fab! I made Chicken for Brenton, and Shrimp for myself.

His is on the right, mine is on the left. Instead of rice, I made myself seared Tomatoes. Very easy, and VERY YUMMY!!

I finally have all of the dishes done, and am going to do pilates. It's been about a week since my last pilates session, so this is going to be interesting- and entertaining.

I'm very excited about tomorrow- I'm trying my first FULLY RAW 1/2 DAY... smoothie in the morning, zucchini 'pasta' for lunch. I'll let you know how it goes! I'm excited!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Strange - I have a nagging ache behind my LEFT eye when I look up or down. Allergies???